Sagitawa Friendship Society Funding Request
A funding request was reviewed from the Sagitawa Friendship Society requesting financial support for the Out of the Cold Shelter and the Mobile Outreach Programs. Council approved that $2500 per year be directed to the program and support for these programs be reviewed as a part of the MD of Peace annual donations.
2024 Annual Development Planning Conference
Council approved that Development Officer, Lelia Summer and Councillor Lori Kinnee attend the Community Planning Association of Alberta (CPAA) annual conference in Red Deer from April 29-May 1, 2024.
Watershed Alliance Drought Workshop
Council authorized Deputy Reeve Sandra Eastman, Councilor Lori Kinee and Nasar Iqbal, Manager of Agriculture for MD of Peace to attend a workshop hosted by the Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance on January 31, 2024 in Grande Prairie. The workshop is focused on drought management and is designed to connect water management partners, support municipalities with their rough management strategies and plans and build community resiliency.
MD Hosts Meeting with Neighboring Municipalities
MD of Peace is hosting a meeting with the MD of Fairview No. 136 and Clear Hills County on February 28, 2024 to discuss topics of mutual interest including regional collaboration and emergency services.
Council Representation at Northwest Polytechnic Events
Councillor Lori Kinee is authorized to attend an Open House and Mixer held at the Fairview Campus on January 15, 2024, and Reeve Bob Willing will attend the official Presidential Installation of Dr. Vanessa Sheane as the 11th President on January 29, 2024 in Grande Prairie.
Meeting with Minister of Municipal Affairs
Council directed administration to provide Municipal Affairs with a list of discussion topics for an upcoming meeting between the MD of Peace Council and the Minister of Municipal Affairs. The meeting will be scheduled during the 2024 Rural Municipalities of Alberta Spring Convention from March 18-20, 2024 in Edmonton.
Public Hearing
Council passed the second, third and final reading of Bylaw No. 18/2023, redistricting land legally known as Part of SE-13-83-24-W5, from Agricultural to Country Residential. A public hearing was held with no objections put forth.
Bylaw Amended to Include Home-based Businesses
Council approved an amendment to Land Use Bylaw No. 1/2012 to add “trucking and related faculties” as a discretionary use under home-occupation type II.
Fees and Charges Bylaw
Council passed first, second and third reading of the Fees and Charges Bylaw outlining fees charged by the MD of Peace that includes but is not limited to assessment appeal fees, administrative services, rentals, penalties, permits, water connection fees, penalties, cemetery plots, camping, hall rentals and dog tag fees.
Elk Island Park
Council directed administration to invite representatives from the Elk Island Park Recreation Group to attend an upcoming Council meeting and further discuss their proposal and funding requests.
New Emergency Management Bylaw
Council approved the first, second and third reading of Emergency Management Bylaw No. 1/2024. The new bylaw alters the makeup, structure and responsibilities of the MD’s Emergency Advisory Committee and Emergency Management Agency as per Alberta Emergency Management Act (AEMA) requirements. Plans are underway for the Emergency Advisory Committee to meet in the near future to review the MD of Peace Emergency Management Plan, and to plan a drill and tabletop exercise as per the AEMA regulations.
Peace Regional Women’s Shelter
Council heard from Peace Regional Women’s Shelter representatives who requested $20,000 in emergency funding to assist the Peace Regional Women’s Shelter in covering unexpected costs from a wide-spread black mold issue found in the second level of their facility. A total of $260,000 is required to mitigate the black mold, complete maintenance and repairs and another $120,000 is required for furnace replacements. Upon discovering the black mold in late November, alternate accommodations were quickly found for the families in residence at the shelter. Since having to close the facility to remove the mold, 57 women and 25 children reached out to PRWS for shelter and 33 support calls have been received. The PRWS is working with the Ministry of Children and Family Services, and reaching out to local municipalities, organizations and businesses to help cover costs. It is expected the shelter will re-open in March 2024. Families in need can still call the shelter for support but they are unable to provide shelter. Council approved that $10,000 be provided to the PRWS from the current budget and that another $10,000 be dispersed from the 2025 budget.