Following a devastating 2023 fire season in the northern Alberta region, the MD of Peace #135 Council is engaging the community to be “FireSmart” and work together to protect our communities by eliminating fire hazards.
“Whether you live in a residential area, or on a farm or acreage, there are things we can all do to limit the risks,” says Robert Willing, MD of Peace No. 135 Reeve. “In many cases, people just don’t know what some of the hazards are, so we are putting a focus on awareness and encouraging everyone to take action.
”In the fall of 2023, the MD of Peace Council made a motion to launch a FireSmart Awareness campaign that has currently included messages regarding controlled winter burns, firefighter recruitment, reminding ratepayers to check their controlled burns and the risks of old hay bales catching fire. The campaign will continue to relay messages in accordance with information provided by
FireSmart and Fire Chief Lawrence Arnold.
FireSmart™ is a national program that helps Canadians increase neighbourhood resilience to wildfire and minimize its negative impacts.
The MD of Peace thanks all residents for their support and participation in keeping their property as safe and FireSmart as possible.
Visit the FireSmart website for more information.