The MD provides assistance and information to facilitate planning and development (P&D) within the Municipal District of Peace, in accordance with Land Use Bylaw No.1/2012. Please access the planning links below for more information.
About Planning and Development
This is where you will find information on the MD of Peace’s land use planning framework.
Area Structure Plans
A guideline in place to ensure future development proceeds in an orderly and economic way, and proposed development doesnt have negative implications for the municipality, the environment, and present and future landowners.
Development Permits
Any development within the Municipality requires that a development permit application be completed and processed prior to any development commencing.
Intermunicipal Development Plans (IDP)
These are statutory plans prepared collaboratively between two (or more) municipalities to provide direction for the future development of lands of mutual importance. An IDP serves as a cooperative framework for efficient land use planning and development decision-making at the interface between municipal boundaries.
Land Use Bylaw & Amendments
Described as the “rule book” for development within the MD of Peace No. 135. It regulates the development of land and buildings on a site-specific basis, based on the policy directions set by the MDP, IDPs and ASPs. The Land Use Bylaw divides the MD into land use districts and lists allowable land uses within, details permitted and discretionary uses, sets development standards, as well as outlines requirements for development, permits, processes, appeals, and amendments.
Municipal Development Plan
Provides a cohesive framework to guide local decision making that is necessary to achieve the MD of Peace No. 135’s long term vision. The MDP guides future land use, infrastructure, environmental, social and economic policy decisions in a manner that reflects the municipality’s vision.
Permitting Agencies
Where you need to go to find private permitting companies who issue building, electrical, plumbing and gas permits. The MD cannot issue these types of permits.
Public Hearings
A forum in which the public can express their views and opinions on matters that affect them.
Sewage Setbacks and Safety Tips
What you need to know when installing sewage treatment systems.
Subdivision is the process of dividing a single parcel of land into two or more parcels, each with a separate Certificate of Title.
Farmer’s Advocate Office
Supports and resources for farmers and ranchers including advocacy, energy, utility and surface rights, and rural dispute resolution.
Contact Planning and Development Staff:
If you require a development permit or have questions regarding development in the MD of Peace, we encourage you to make an appointment with our Development Officer by calling or emailing:
Lelia Sumner, Development Officer
Municipal District of Peace No. 135
Ph: 780-338-3845 Email: