
First Parcel Subdivision from a Quarter Section or River Lot for Residential Use

Sizes: Minimum – 3 acres
Maximum – 10 acres
Size exceptions may be made; however, the applicant must prove need (not want).

Apply to: Mackenzie Municipal Services Agency, Main Street, Berwyn

Cost:  $625 + $100 per lot created.

Application Requirements:

  • Application Form completed and fees submitted to Mackenzie Municipal Services Agency
  • Tentative plan prepared by a qualified surveyor
  • Current photocopy of the Certificate of Title
  • Completed and signed Right of Entry form
  • Completed Water Supply and Sewage Disposal information form
  • Identify location or confirm absence of any abandoned oil/gas wells

2nd or Subsequent Subdivisions off a Quarter Section or River Lot for Residential Use

Size:  Minimum – 3 acres
Maximum – 10 acres
Size exceptions may be made; however, the applicant must prove need (not want).

Apply to: M.D. of Peace No.135 to amend the Land Use Bylaw to Country Residential Zoning in order to allow for a 2nd parcel subdivision.
If more than 1 parcel is being requested to be subdivided, an Area Structure Plan may be required. Refer to the Guidelines for Area Structure Plan Preparation.

Cost:  $500 for Land Use Bylaw Amendment plus the cost of advertising. There will also be surveyor costs and subdivision costs.

Application Requirements:

  • Application Form completed and fee submitted to M.D. of Peace No. 135
  • An initial drawing of proposed development or a tentative plan prepared by a qualified surveyor. If the parcel being subdivided has buildings on it, you will require a preliminary survey showing all buildings and distances between them and to the property line of the proposed subdivision.
  • Land Use Bylaw Amendment Application will be taken to Council who must pass a bylaw if they wish to approve it. First reading will happen at one Council meeting then a Public Hearing will be held the following month to hear any comments regarding the proposal. Second and third reading may be given immediately following the Public Hearing.
  • Once the Land Use Bylaw Amendment has been approved and given third reading, you may proceed with a subdivision application at Mackenzie Municipal Services Agency with application costs payable to them.
  • Conditions of subdivision approval will include owner’s responsibility to pay for any additional approaches required for access to the
    subdivision as well as the rest of the quarter section. Cost may be $500+.
  • Payment of money-in-lieu of municipal reserve is required based on 10% of the land value of the parcel being subdivided. You are responsible for the cost of an appraisal (if required) to determine the value.
  • Once subdivision has been approved, a final survey must be completed by a qualified surveyor, who must submit the plan for registration.
    There are Land Title costs based on their schedule of fees.

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